Faith in Action

All materials in these studies that are not otherwise attributed are © 2014 by Tool Box for Faith. Expressed permission is hereby granted to download and print these materials for personal/congregational use only. If you wish to use any of these materials for any other groups or other purposes, please contact us ( for permission. In all cases, include this copyright notice and email address with any versions of the material. Thank you.

Section 1: Opening Prayer

Let us pray. Almighty God, your Holy Spirit equips the church with a rich variety of gifts.  We give thanks for the ways these gifts have been shown forth among us through your servants.  We praise you for shared joys and accomplishments,
and we commend our work to you.  Grant that we may continue to bear witness to Christ  in lives that are built on faith and love;  through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Opening and Closing Prayers adapted from Sundays and Copyright 2017 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #25165.

Section 2: The Story

Section 3: The Message

Read Acts 16:11–15

Please comment below on these questions:

What is it that Paul and Timothy did here that shows their faith?

Is the fact they went out to pray the only thing that shows their faith?

Read John 3:1–17

Please comment below on these questions:

How does Nicodemus show his faith?

Did Jesus do what He was supposed to in converting Nicodemus?

Is it our job to convert every person we meet?

Why did God give His only Son?

Why did Jesus come into the world?

Read Matthew 22:34-40

Please comment below on these questions:

What is the greatest commandment?

How does this help us live out our faith?

Read Matthew 28:16–20

Please comment below on these questions:

Why do we need to go into the world?

Are we suppose to convert everybody we meet based on this passage?

How do we all baptize?

How do we all teach?

Do we all always obey?

Martin Luther spoke about the Priesthood of all believers. That we are all called to be a part of God’s plan. But all of us aren’t pastors, or youth leaders, or even workers in the church. But all of us live our faith out in the world.

St Francis of Assisi is attributed with saying, “Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.” In other words the life we live should radiate God’s love so that others see the works of God through us and ask how they can be like us…

Section 4: Learn & Engage

– What are 3 things you learned?
– What is 1 question you still have?
– What part of the lesson did you most identify with?
– What part of the lesson was hardest for you?
– Where have you seen God this week?

Section 5: Closing Prayer

Almighty God,  your Holy Spirit equips the church with a rich variety of gifts.  Grant that we may use them to bear witness to Christ  in lives that are built on faith and love.  Make us ready to live the gospel and eager to do your will,  so that we may share with all your church in the joys of eternal life;  through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Opening and Closing Prayers adapted from Sundays and Copyright 2017 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #25165.