
All materials in these studies that are not otherwise attributed are © 2014 by Tool Box for Faith. Expressed permission is hereby granted to download and print these materials for personal/congregational use only. If you wish to use any of these materials for any other groups or other purposes, please contact us ( for permission. In all cases, include this copyright notice and email address with any versions of the material. Thank you.

Opening prayer –

Begin by praying this prayer.

Look with mercy, gracious God, upon people everywhere who live with injustice, terror, disease, and death as their constant companions. Rouse us from our complacency and help us to eliminate cruelty wherever it is found. Strengthen those who seek equality for all. Grant that everyone may enjoy a fair portion of the abundance of the earth; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Part 2:  Moses: The Early Years

Take a look at this quick summary of Moses in his early years.  The video focuses on the events in Exodus 1 through Exodus 6. Baby Moses is discovered floating down the river by Pharaoh’s daughter.  As a young man, Moses flees into the wilderness after killing an Egyptian guard who is beating a slave.  Years later, God calls Moses to free the Israelites from slavery.

If you’d like to learn more about Moses and the Burning Bush, check out this page at

Part 3: Moses: In the Wilderness

In the next part of Moses’ story, Moses returns to Egypt and with God’s help convinces the Pharaoh to let the people go. Moses leads the people into the wilderness where they receive the 10 Commandments, are fed by manna and eventually discover the Promised Land. The videos illustrate two of the major events in Moses life once he has answered the call to serve the Lord. The first video presenting the beginning of the journey in the wilderness is produced by a Jewish media group whose goal is to present Old Testament stories to a modern world and the second video on the 10 Commandments is from the 1956 movie, “The Ten Commandments”.

If you’d like to learn more about the manna in the wilderness, check out this page at

If you’d like to learn more about the Ten Commandments, check out this page at

Part 4: So What Does this Mean?

Quick Review – Take a look at this article to make sure you have a handle on the major events in Moses’ life .

How do you think you would have responded if God had called you from a burning bush to free God’s people from slavery and lead them to the promised land?  Comment below with your answer.

As we learn the story of Moses, we gain important insights into God’s relationship with God’s people.  We learn that God will not abandon God’s people.  We learn that God calls individuals to use their gifts to serve and to save God’s people.  We learn that even when God’s people are stubborn and difficult, God will not abandon them.  We learn that God gives guidance to God’s people to try and help them live whole, healthy lives of faith in the world.

Through Moses, God shares the 10 Commandments with God’s people and the world.  Using this link, read the 10 Commandments and Luther’s explanation to the 10 Commandments.  Pick one of the 10 that interests you.  Post your choice in the comments below and write a sentence sharing how Luther’s explanation helped you understand what that commandment means for you today.

Part 5:  Closing Prayer

Closing Prayer – Pray the follow prayer at the close of the session.

O God, we thank you for your Son, who chose the path of suffering for the sake of the world. Humble us by his example, point us to the path of obedience, and give us strength to follow your commands, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Opening and Closing Prayers adapted from Sundays and Copyright 2017 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #25165.