Shouldn’t the church of the 21st century form faith with the tools of the 21st century?
We think so. That’s why we built Toolbox for Faith.
Toolbox for Faith is an online Confirmation (or Catechism, if you prefer) curriculum that is totally free and totally for you.
Yes, seriously. It’s free. People ask us all the time, “so what does it cost?” It’s like grace. It costs nothing.
It’s written by people in the Lutheran (ELCA) tradition who actively work with youth and young adults as mentors on this journey of faith formation. Because we think investing in youth is so important, we wrote these lessons for free and made them available for free so you can freely explore your faith.
So you won’t find hammers inside this toolbox, but you’ll find easy to understand Bible knowledge. You won’t discover saws, but you will discover explanations of basic faith claims. You won’t pick up a screwdriver, but you will pick up information and skills based in our 2,000 year old religion to build your faith in this new millennium. Rather than just talk at you or quiz you, we use videos, images, games, and other rituals to make this ancient and holy story more relevant to your lives.
So check out our lessons on different parts of the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament, to grow your understanding of scripture. Check out the Catechism section to talk about things like the 10 Commandments, various parts of Christian worship (like the Lord’s Prayer, Apostles’ Creed, and the Sacraments), and living out your faith. InApply Your Faith, we talk about different parts of living as a Christian, including worship, service, mission, and spiritual development. This is your Toolbox for Faith. Open it up and discover what’s inside.

Old Testament

New Testament